Update to French structural defect policyholders

Information to the French structural defect policyholders, who have received confirmation that their claim is covered by the Danish Guarantee Fund’s area of coverage.

You have filed a claim for premium refunds against Alpha Insurance A/S in bankruptcy and the Danish Guarantee Fund for Non-life Insurance Companies (hereinafter “the Guarantee Fund”). You have also previously received a notification that the Guarantee Fund has provisionally assessed that your claim for premium refunds is covered by the Guarantee Fund.

For your information, the Guarantee Fund has started to pay premium refunds. The Guarantee Fund will contact you, if they need further information to handle you claim.

For the sake of good order, please note that the bankruptcy estate has not yet decided whether there is coverage by the estate for the deductible that the Guarantee Fund will deduct from your claim for a return premium.


Vous avez registré une demande de remboursement de prime contre Alpha Insurance A / S en faillite et le Fonds de Garantie Danois pour les compagnies d’assurance non-vie (ci-après «le Fonds de Garantie»). Vous avez également reçu une notification que le Fonds de Garantie a provisoirement évalué votre demande de remboursement de primes comme couverte par le Fonds de Garantie.

 Pour votre information, le Fonds de Garantie a commencé à rembourser les primes. Le Fonds de Garantie vous contactera s’il a besoin d’informations supplémentaires pour traiter votre réclamation.

 Veuillez noter que la succession de la faillite n’a pas encore décidé s’il y a une couverture pour la franchise que le Fonds de Garantie déduira de votre demande de prime de retour.