Policyholders and claimants in Germany
All insurances in Alpha Insurance A/S (now in bankruptcy) became void on 11th August 2018, cf. section 26 of the Danish Insurance Contracts Act. This entails that no claim related to an insurance event occurred after the 11th August 2018 will be covered by the policy. The different claims handlers are instructed how to handle the respective claims.
Please be aware that the Danish Guarantee Fund only provide coverage to certain claims in a limited period. For further information go to the site “ The Danish Guarantee Fund ”.
The claims handlers will report the approved claims against the bankruptcy estate or the Danish Guarantee Fund (if any cover).
Please be aware that payment of approved claims claimed against the bankruptcy estate must await the final validation of the trustee, which may take some years. Full compensation from the bankruptcy estate cannot be expected.
If you have any questions regard a specific claim, please contact the relevant claims handler.
Information notices
An Versicherungsnehmer und Geschädigte in Deutschland
Click here for information to policyholders and claimants no. 1
Claims handler information
Motor claims
Claims handler: Broadspire & Crawford
Mail: Alpha@broadspire.de